Philosophy, when it is practical, is educational. It helps us to know ourselves and to improve ourselves. To be a philosopher is a way of life committed to the best aspirations of humanity.

The philosophy we propose in New Acropolis is a way of living that is accessible to all and consists of putting into practice the teachings of the great sages of all times. The application of knowledge results in better individuals, who will therefore be capable of building a better world. The living experience of philosophy promotes an active and participatory attitude in individuals, which brings out their best qualities. We achieve this not only through reading, studying and theoretical knowledge, but also by learning to live well, with strength and efficiency, at every moment of our lives; making use of the opportunities that arise and learning something positive even from adversity.
This is what we mean by “Philosophy as a way of life”

Introduction Courses

Living Philosophy is an opportunity to discover ourselves and the world around us, with the insights of ancient philosophies and human wisdom put into practice in everyday life. Extract practical tools through the course to learn to live with more freedom and sustained happiness. Explore the path of inner change as a key to actively contribute towards building a better world.


  • WPD Mumbai 4
  • WPD Pune 6

World Philosophy Day

Every year at New Acropolis India we celebrate World Philosophy Day. This initiative in in line with centers of New Acropolis around the world that respond to the call of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This initiative has been taking place every November since 2002.

The programs organized by the different countries that form part of New Acropolis International (OINA) have brought philosophy closer to many different kinds of audiences using a wide variety of media and an imaginative range of different events.

There are forums and discussions aimed at getting people to reflect on the close relationship that exists between philosophy and timeless values. Other centers choose to stage performances of the immortal episodes of history, by recreating dialogues and messages of outstanding philosophers.

Other events link philosophy with the arts, promoting exhibitions and photographic competitions to give form in images to the conceptual richness brought to us by the great sages of the world.

IONA has a website dedicated to World Philosophy Day where it features some of the activities that take place every year throughout the world to celebrate this event.

This very supportive environment holds me together, helps me to be the person I am meant to be, teaches me to investigate and use my intelligence and brings me back to my path with love and honesty if I stray away.


One of the first ideas I encountered in the Living Philosophy course was that Philosophy is an active seeking of clarity and simplicity. Through the structured approach at New Acropolis, I have learnt the value of this approach in the complex lives we lead today, as it helps me discern and focus on what is essential and meaningful.

Anand Baskaran, Member, New Acropolis

New Acropolis has triggered for me a revival of sorts, where I learnt to unlearn some of my limits, boxes and conditioning. To open them up, to a bigger possibility, more whole, more alive. It was a unfolding process, that will always stick to me.


It’s a beautiful space of like-minded seekers of wisdom through a comparative study of different civilization and the quest for virtues, to bring out the better and virtuous aspects of ourselves. Truly Wonderful and inspiring fraternity and teachers who lead by example!
