The event had Oscar winning producer for the short Film Elephant Whisperer Guneet Monga Kapoor in a passionate discussion on her learnings in her career as a filmmaker, followed by Singer Radhika Sood and Guitarist Neil Mukherji who performed the works in Sufi traditions of mystic poets Bulleh Shah and Kabir, explaining the eternal ideas that underlie the melodious verses. They ended their performance with a rendition of Rabindranath Tagore’s “Ekla Chalo Re” urging one to continue the journey despite all odds.
Along with the special conversations and performances, this event was made special by a good example of calm and courage in the face of challenges. Though we had an unexpected power failure at the onset, Prachi Wagh and the children of Chhandam Nritya Bharti school kept the show going with an improvised Kathak performance demonstrating courage and determination. Volunteers of New Acropolis also performed a spirited rendition of the song “Hero”. To go through this disruption, was a combined effort of the performers volunteers and a patient audience that participated with their encouragement.
Journalist Heena Khandelwal from the Indian Express publication who was present for the event remarked –
The event put together by New Acropolis also put its learnings to the test. Within a few minutes of its beginning, there was a power disruption for over an hour, but putting the principles that this school of philosophy believes in and imparts, there wasn’t any chaos even though there was uncertainty on when the electricity will be back. In fact, some of the experts and volunteers pitched to keep the spirit of the attendees alive. As Yaron Barzilay, philosopher, New Acropolis, said towards the end of the event: “We can’t have philosophy without putting it in practice.”
To read the Full Article in the Indian Express Click Here
National Director Of New Acropolis, Yaron Barzilay in his closing remarks shared that this event was a true celebration of our shared humanity, a reminder that despite our differences, culture serves as a powerful tool to express our values and create bridges between people.