What do we do with the heart and the mind? by Delia Steinberg Guzman

Book Description:

Like the explorers of old who tried to trace routes into the unknown, relying on the stories of those who have crossed the same route before them, we will do well to be guided by the findings of those who have been able to make their way before us, indicating a course to orient our own adventure. In these pages, Delia Steinberg Guzman has distilled the essence of her life experinces, and like in the ancient myths, has given us the thread which allows us to reach the centre of the labyrinth, which is another way of saying, the center of ourselves.

At times, in our confusion, we seek to understand why the results we pursue slip through our fingers, or we don’t know to interpret the contradictions that overwhelm us, as we dig inside, sensing that our feelings are pulling us to one direction and our reason to another. Our author, aware of this reality, helps us decipher their more universal meanings and through them conducts us to the intuition of a possible meaning for life and things.

About the Edition:  This was first published in Spanish, under the title ‘Que hacemos con el corazon y la mente?’

It has been translated to English. This edition is published in 2019.

Contents: Chapter Titles

  • Where are we going
  • Inner Calm
  • Quality of life
  • Success
  • Happiness
  • Justice
  • Youth
  • Mind and Feelings

Ordering Info:

Format: PaperBack | Price: INR 350

For purchase: The book is available at the New Acropolis canters at Bangalore (Indiranagar & Jayanagar)

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