New Acropolis India
New Acropolis India is an independent member of an International non-profit association International Organization New Acropolis (IONA), represented in centers over 60 countries.
We try to understand the forms of expression of cultures past and present, to discover the roots of their art, scientific advances, religious experiences and social and human projects.
Taking inspiration from the timeless Indian tradition, New Acropolis India works with a focus to rediscover India’s rich artistic, scientific and human heritage and offer it as a vital contribution to collective human progress relevant to our times today.

Philosophy as a Way of Life – Introduction Course
Mumbai Introduction Courses
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Bangalore Introduction Courses
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Pune IntroductionCourses
Interested in Free Intro to next Living Philosophy Course on Wed, 5th March
New Acropolis’ Living Philosophy course opened my mind and heart to a whole new way of viewing the world and living life. It brought back a sense of wonder, meaning and purpose, and showed me that each one of us can be so much more than what we limit ourselves to.
After joining this course, I had a different perspective towards life. The ancient myths and wisdom, which were just stories for me till then, slowly started making sense and I started connecting them with my own life. This gave me a glimpse of how much I need to work on my internal growth, in order to become a better person. This course was the ignition to change the course of my life.
The Living Philosophy course is a real awakening. You learn from various cultures like ancient Egypt, Greece, China, India…and your eyes are opened to essential insights from around the world. But the most significant journey is the one you make within yourself, inspired by these teachings.