“The Earth has its Music for those who will Listen.” – William Shakespeare.

On Sunday, 11th March 2018, the ‘Friends of New Acropolis’ explored “Philosophy through Ecology at Home” and investigated a deep connection that human beings share with Nature; that in fact we are a part of Nature, and not separate from it.

Through the talk and a composting activity, the group learned how every aspect of Nature is alive, inter-connected and sustains each other. Together the group, explored Man’s obligation as a custodian or caretaker of Nature, especially in our times, as we evidently face an ecological crisis. It was proposed that by adopting small, but practical everyday changes in our lifestyle we might make a real and positive change. Participants also learned how to make compost and took home specially potted plants.

The event was facilitated by the Active Ecology department of New Acropolis India.