On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary, New Acropolis (Main Centre) conducted a talk titled “Gandhi’s Lessons for Real Change”, on Wednesday 2nd October, 2019. The talk shed light on Gandhiji’s principles and ideals as a philosopher, and their timeless relevance to humankind. The speaker emphasized virtues such as humility and how a constant pursuit and experimentation with Truth was expressed in Gandhi’s life and work.
Additional commemorative talks about the philosophical legacy of Gandhiji will be held on Saturday, 5th October 2019 at 6pm
@ Khar Branch – The Pursuit of Truth (Gandhi’s Inspiration) Click here for more
@ Pune Branch – Let’s Light the Spark of Adventure Click here for more
These events are part of a worldwide series of events marking the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gandhi ji spearheaded by New Acropolis India on 15th December 2018, with Empowering Real Change: Leadership for a Better World