On 11th June 2023, New Acropolis Pune hosted an interactive talk titled “My Role in the Universe – Lessons from Kybalion”. This was the third and last event in the “Glimpse into Living Philosophy Course” series of talks. The speaker shared an overview of the universal laws of life from the ancient philosophical text of the Kybalion carrying the teachings of Hermes Tristemegus.
The speaker focused on sharing few practical examples for each of the seven laws of the Kybalion to make it more tangible and relevant to our times today. Emphasising on the virtues of Harmony, Authenticity and Objectivity, the speaker highlighted the importance of aligning to these laws of life which can perhaps bring us closer to understanding our role in the Universe. Through the inspiring talk, the speaker suggested that by raising ourselves objectively above the issues of life and with a wider perspective to see life, we may find solutions to these issues and move forward.