On Saturday, October 26th, New Acropolis Pune hosted an engaging talk titled “Bringing Ethics in Action – Lessons from Samurai”, led by Shraddha Shetty, Branch Manager of New Acropolis Pune. With 36 participants in attendance, she explored the timeless importance of ethics in all professions, using historical anecdotes to highlight how figures like Socrates, the Spartans, and Roman Emperor Julian Caesar embodied unwavering moral principles. She explained that ethics, much like the Hippocratic Oath in medicine, are the guiding force behind professions and should be honoured regardless of external circumstances.
The talk investigated the Bushido code, the ethical framework followed by the Samurai, rooted in Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism. Explaining how the Samurai strove to uphold virtues such as Rectitude, Benevolence, and Mercy while maintaining their honour and integrity in all circumstances the speaker drew a distinction between Flexibility and Compromise. She highlighted that true ethics involves adaptability without sacrificing core values.
The talk concluded with emphasis on the importance of education as a means to cultivate inner clarity and refiing one’s ethical understanding. Adopting a philosophical way of life encourages personal growth and a commitment to ethical action in daily life.