Dear Reader,

We step into the months of July – August – September, with umbrellas and raincoats out of the cupboards, as the rains are upon us in Bangalore city. Associated day-to-day inconveniences like traffic build up during the rains are easily forgotten when put in context of the sub-par monsoons this year. Combined with the unsustainable rate of water consumption and a severe lack of healthy water conservation efforts, parts of South India have already faced water shortages, and in these times the showers are most welcome. May we take the opportunity to appreciate the inimitable beauty of the rains, and the life-sustaining value of water.

This edition of ACROPOLIS goes hand-in-hand with an exciting and highly relevant series of events at the centres of New Acropolis, Bangalore.

We explore the topics of living in a world that seems to have an unending flow of distractions, and one that calls for idealism and change. Pair the two articles that deal with these topics (What does it mean to live in a world of distractions? – (Pg 2, and Yearning for Change – Pg 8) – with our talk in September: Heart and the Mind – Embracing Change, for some valuable perspectives and practical tools on living a more meaningful life in this chaotic world. The beginning of September brings with it Teacher’s Day, and the ACROPOLIS team had the privilege to converse with three teachers in varied fields in the city of Bangalore, that we are delighted to present to you (Pg 4).

Happy reading!

Anand Baskaran

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