New Acropolis India – Bangalore (Main Center for India South)
Address :#3017, 12th-B main, Indiranagar, Bangalore- 560 008 Karnataka India
Phone: +91 96638 04871
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming Events
Welcoming Summer at Vajrabhumi
The sun's impact on our lives is unparalleled, as an indispensable source of light, warmth, and sustenance. It acts as a nurturing force, enabling life on earth and energizing ecosystems. The summer solstice presents [...]
Musical Evening at New Acropolis, Bangalore
Music touches our souls by transcending the barriers of language and culture. The power of music to evoke emotions, inspire contemplation, and convey profound truths has been acknowledged by philosophers throughout history. Following Plato’s [...]
The Leader in You: Styles of Leadership
Glimpses from our talk on Styles of Leadership. This interactive session related to topics like individual and shared leadership, feminine and masculine leadership, authentic leadership and more. Participants got to experience practically the nuances that [...]
Being in the Present Moment: Lessons from Origami
Glimpses from our interactive session on learning to work with present moment through Origami, held in May. Just as a single sheet of paper can be transformed to something beautiful, with patience, perseverance and imagination, [...]