On 30th Sept, 2017, New Acropolis India hosted an interactive workshop for the group of Friends of New Acropolis on practical psychology titled ‘Dussera: the Triumph of good over Evil’ for , at the Colaba Center.

The workshop was themed to know ourselves and the world that we interact with. There were exercises on how to focus & concentrate, how to observe emotions and thoughts and on building courage, all guided towards knowing ourselves better.

Friends of New Acropolis is a circle of liked-minded thinkers and doers, who share a love of philosophy. Those who are looking for meaning and inspiration in their lives. Those who share the principles of New Acropolis: Fraternity, Knowledge & Development. We offer twelve carefully curated, highly interactive events a year, around Philosophy, Culture & Volunteering, all with a philosophical lens with one event every month. To sign up and know more visit : https://acropolis.org.in/friends/