
Hello, Me! Meet yourself through the eyes of ancient cultures

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Experience a glimpse into Living Philosophy!

This session brings you teachings to see yourself from a new perspective. Knowing yourself is essential for your inner development. Join to learn about building inner values through the three principles in man and nature according to Greek philosophy and the ancient Indian perspective of reality.

For any questions, feel free to contact us over call, WhatsApp or Telegram at 9986145294.

This is a great opportunity to experience how volunteers at New Acropolis are practicing philosophy as a way of life – individually, and as a community! Should you find the experience of this evening meaningful, you are welcome to explore and enroll for the Living Philosophy course starting on 2nd April, 2024.

The course lasts 19 sessions that include experiential practices. It combines ideas conceived by important philosophers, from the east to the west. Each class is designed to help you reflect, introspect and bring these ideas alive in your daily life. This course aims to make ancient philosophy accessible to the one who seeks to build oneself and one’s future by cultivating a philosophical approach to life.

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