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Day of Art and Culture: Day-long set of events including several workshops and performance

A true artist who seeks beauty, whether through an artform, or in daily life, has to embark on a process of learning the importance of proportions, the keys of harmony, the power of silence and concentration, and the value of patience that is needed in a philosopher’s search. If there is an artist inside you, who is yearning to experience ‘unity’ and develop ‘beauty’ inside and around, you may want to join us in order to awaken some inspiration, and to revive the search of beauty through the diverse expressions.

Join us on a daylong celebration of culture at New Acropolis Pune. We will have literary reading and theatrical exercise session related to Shakespearean plays, poetry writing session of Japanese Haiku, an origami workshop, a talk and workshop on silent carpentry, a talk by an expert on music and architecture, followed by an evening of classical musical/ dance recital.

Register here – https://tinyurl.com/4ebyhrns

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