On 11th June 2023 The Indian Express published an writeup covering an event called “Human Values Through Culture” organized by New Acropolis Mumbai Branch.
There were some early disruptive challenges faced at the event, however with a courageous effort and cooperation of a patient audience, the event went on!
In the coverage, highlighting her experience of the event with New Acropolis, journalist Heena Khandelwal from the Indian Express publication writes –
The event put together by New Acropolis also put its learnings to the test. Within a few minutes of its beginning, there was a power disruption for over an hour, but putting the principles that this school of philosophy believes in and imparts, there wasn’t any chaos even though there was uncertainty on when the electricity will be back. In fact, some of the experts and volunteers pitched to keep the spirit of the attendees alive. As Yaron Barzilay, philosopher, New Acropolis, said towards the end of the event: “We can’t have philosophy without putting it in practice.”
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