New Acropolis Pune Branch hosted a talk on the theme “Art of Inner Development – Lessons from Arjuna” on December 1 2024.

Explaining the concept of inner development, the instructors shared how it involves changing one’s response to external circumstances in a way that leads  to growth. They emphasized that inner development is not just a process of self-improvement, but a philosophical journey to unlock the deeper potential of being human and this process requires constant effort and a philosophical approach to life.

A narration of Arjuna’s internal conflict from the epic Mahabharata, highlighting the two voices within every individual: one driven by values and intentions, and the other by emotional impulses depicted how these voices create dilemmas, and how choosing the voice of intention—despite the emotional pull—is a heroic act of inner strength.

The session concluded with questions from the participants on the themes of inner development and the lessons of Arjuna.