On 23rd Oct 2021, New Acropolis Pune Branch hosted an online talk Awaken your Muse: Learning to Imagine.
The speakers investigated the subject of imagination as a tool we can develop in order to create a better reality. The talk proposed practical ways to develop our own imagination and express our higher potential in daily life.
This event was first in at series titled “Awaken Your Muse”. Register here for the upcoming events in the series –
Awaken your Muse: What Mythology can teach us? – https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Cw4jFN3LSpKc1-qoz6Z4qg
Awaken your Muse: Working with Nature – https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3bNzmuQtQrK2tfAiiKvATg