ACROPOLIS Summer edition 2020
Dear reader The current time, perhaps more intensely than any time in recent history is reminding us of the duality of human nature. Times of big crisis [...]
Ankit Jain2020-06-15T16:44:15+00:00June 15th, 2020|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear reader The current time, perhaps more intensely than any time in recent history is reminding us of the duality of human nature. Times of big crisis [...]
rahil mehta2020-04-13T11:59:10+00:00April 13th, 2020|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader,The times we are living through are in many ways unprecedented. Across the globe, individuals, communities and nations are grappling with the quickly-evolving circumstances. Old forms and [...]
Ankit Jain2020-02-03T12:16:23+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, We are delighted to bring to you this new year’s edition of ACROPOLIS, covering the first three months of 2020. At whichever point of the [...]
Ankit Jain2019-11-27T03:33:59+00:00November 27th, 2019|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, We step into the final 3 months of the calendar year. It is a time of the year filled with festivities, holidays, and for our [...]
rahil mehta2019-10-06T08:13:12+00:00July 1st, 2019|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, We step into the months of July – August – September, with umbrellas and raincoats out of the cupboards, as the rains are upon us [...]
rahil mehta2019-09-24T11:16:05+00:00April 1st, 2019|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, Summer is here, and is making it's presence felt! April and May bear the peak of the summer heat in Bangalore, and come June, we [...]
rahil mehta2019-10-06T08:11:02+00:00January 1st, 2019|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, As you pick up this edition of ACROPOLIS, the memories of new year wishes are likely still fresh in your mind. The beginning of a [...]
acrosec322019-10-06T08:13:56+00:00October 19th, 2018|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, Winter is setting in at Bangalore. All of nature is in sync with the change of season, and the farmers and gardeners among us will [...]
acrosec322019-09-24T11:44:57+00:00April 19th, 2018|Acropolis Magazine|
Dear Reader, We are approaching the middle of the year, and the chill of winter seems to be a distant memory as Spring and then Summer take [...]