On 30th April, New Acropolis Mumbai Centre hosted an event titled The Earth and I: Commemorating Mother Earth Day, where Director of New Acropolis India, Yaron Barzilay, spoke about our integral relationship with mother earth through examples of mythology across civilisations, as well as the many lessons and principles of life we can glean from living in harmony with nature. Nature enthusiast and senior member of New Acropolis Mumbai, Ubai Husein shared insights about sacred groves and their significance as one of the earliest interactions of humanity with the sacred. On the same evening, New Acropolis Pune Branch hosted a gardening session and discussion on the role of philosophy in helping us recognise our role within our ecosystem.
This talk was part of a series of events hosted by New Acropolis in over 60 countries around the world to celebrate International Mother Earth Day as a contribution to the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.
As a School of Practical Philosophy, our aspiration is to implement philosophy not as a way of thinking but as a way of living and of improving our world. This event series therefore highlighted the need for a philosophical perspective in addressing our current ecological challenges, of first recognising and assuming our role as human beings within our delicate ecosystem, if we are to be able to find long lasting solutions.