Members from New Acropolis Mumbai and Pune Branches gathered to celebrate the solstice on 21 June. The solstice of June in the Northern Hemisphere (called Summer Solistice) which marks the beautiful and myraid expression of life and nature. Philosophical traditions  from around the world emphasize the importance of aligning oneself with these cycles in nature in order to  lead a life with deeper meaning and mindfulness of each moment. 

The evening in Pune was marked with joyous and meaningful celebration with the elements of music and dance. The theme of the evening in light of the celebration was to keep facing the sun, identifying with goodness and virtues within us making an effort to be more stronger and virtuous. Members enacted  short poems titled “Have mercy on me, my soul” and “Summer” by Kahlil Gibran using the opportunity to remind us of the duality that exists amidst each one of us highlighting the voices pulling us down and the virtues which inspire us, and the constant tussle between the two. 

A play titled ‘First Step of Courage’ taking inspiration from the Aztec mythology ‘The Fifth Sun’ demonstrated  the choice that one needs to make to take the first step with courage to move forward allowing us to overcome the limitations. Members participating in the play reflected and shared on their individual experiences of taking the first step amidst hesitations, confusion and indifferent nature.

In Mumbai members put on various performances such as a human pyramid to express the spirit of solidarity and stability by a team for sports. A performance based on an investigation of challenges (boundaries) and virtues was performed to the beat of the popular song “Arambh hai prachand” choreographed with  movements that encourage valiantly encountering these challenges.  A group of members who had prepared a verse guided groups of members to sing their part and create a harmonious melody, expressing the spirit of season. The proceedings of the evening came to and end with a rendition of “what a wonderful world” by all the members together and some dancing together followed by a sumptuous dinner.

These festivities are an invitation to introspection, while emphasizing our relationship with the nature.