In our daily lives, the battle between the rationality of the mind and the calling from the heart often wages on. But what if we could harmonize these voices within us? To explore more, New Acropolis main center at Colaba hosted a talk on Sat 2 March titled What Do We Do With the Mind & Heart.

The session explored the concept of the heart itself – not merely as a seat of emotions but as a reservoir of sentiments that guide our interactions and decisions. Exploring this realm requires more than just introspection; it demands a collective effort to open our minds to new perspectives while baring our souls to one another.

Participants in these sessions engaged in various activities designed to foster connection and empathy. From leisurely walks accompanied by soul-stirring music to candid Q&A sessions where thoughts flow freely, participants learnt how we can break down barriers and encourage genuine sharing from the heart.

The path to openness is not without obstacles. Fear, insecurity, and societal norms often hinder our ability to express ourselves authentically. Yet, through the lens of philosophy, participants could find a common thread that binds them together, transcending differences and fostering understanding.

By embracing this holistic approach, we embark on a journey towards deeper self-awareness and meaningful relationships, guided by both the wisdom of the mind and the compassion of the heart.