Shared interests and similarities tend to bring people together. On the other hand our differences have a tendency to create prejudices and pre-conceived notions.

On 13th May 2017, New Acropolis main centre at Colaba hosted a talk titled Accepting our Differences, Accepting Ourselves, that investigated the need to develop the value of diversity. Using the example of a symphony in music, it was explained how a single musical instrument plays a role in the harmony of a musical composition. The collective music as a result is more harmonious than the individual instrument.

The talk proposed, that similarly, instead of focusing on our differences, we can celebrate the difference that each one of us brings to a group that in reality unites us. For a practical experience participants created a euphony of sounds by mixing rhythmic instrumental, vocal and other aiding sounds.

The talk concluded with the reading of a poem by Kabir – Tu Ka Tu, that spoke about divinity and fraternity in humans.