A group of over 35 volunteers comprising members and friends of New Acropolis (Mumbai), in partnership with local resident organisations My Dream Colaba (MDC) and Colaba Advanced Locality Management (CALM), spent the weekend of 21st and 22nd May 2016 beautifying a public wall in Colaba. Volunteers plastered, whitewashed and painted the wall with a message of “Truth” in English and “Satya” in Hindi / Marathi.

This was third in line of successful beautification drives undertaken by New Acropolis in the Colaba area. Says Ubai Husein, Secretary of the Active Ecology Department at New Acropolis, “Our first wall “Hope” was an attempt to bring about idealism in today’s world, and “Harmony” was the means to achieve this. But the only real measure of our actions is “Truth”. We hope this wall inspires people to be true not only to others but also to oneself. It is only when we are able to be true to ourselves that we can be true to our society.”

The goal of these wall painting and beautification drives is to remind us that that small actions can create a change, and that it really is up to take responsibility for our environment and be the change we wish to see in the world.