Philofair 2019!
The annual Philofair was held at New Acropolis (Main Centre) on 5th October 2019, with over 15 stalls exhibiting fares ranging from homemade food, jewellery and clothing. Additionally, a [...]
Kurush Dordi2020-06-20T15:12:18+00:00October 5th, 2019|Mumbai|
The annual Philofair was held at New Acropolis (Main Centre) on 5th October 2019, with over 15 stalls exhibiting fares ranging from homemade food, jewellery and clothing. Additionally, a [...]
rahil mehta2019-11-10T05:08:10+00:00September 14th, 2019|Culture Circle, Mumbai|
On 14th September 2019, the Culture Circle of New Acropolis, hosted an event titled ‘Celebrating Tagore through Poetry, Song and Dance’. Bharatanatyam exponent Ms. Vandana Alase Hazra shared her [...]
acrosec322020-06-14T12:05:59+00:00August 2nd, 2019|Culture Circle, Mumbai|
On 2nd August 2019, The Culture Circle of New Acropolis hosted a talk at the Colaba Centre by prominent architect Parul Zaveri titled “Heritage, the Foundation of the Future: An [...]
Tanaya Agarwal2020-06-11T18:01:11+00:00July 20th, 2019|Culture Circle, Mumbai|
On Saturday, 20th July 2019, the Culture Circle of New Acropolis, hosted a lecture-demonstration titled “Odissi – The Sacred Dance”. Priya Singh, a student of Odissi exponent Jhelum Paranjpe, [...]
acrosec322020-06-20T15:34:03+00:00July 15th, 2019|Mumbai|
International Organisation New Acropolis observed its 62nd founding Anniversary on 15 July 2019. Activities were held at all the branches in India to mark this special day celebrated by members [...]
acrosec322020-06-20T15:34:52+00:00July 6th, 2019|Mumbai|
The Art Products Department at New Acropolis (Main Centre) conducted a workshop on Australian Aboriginal Art on 6th July 2019. Aboriginal art is rooted in storytelling, such as dreamtime tales [...]
acrosec322020-06-20T15:37:02+00:00June 8th, 2019|Mumbai|
On Saturday, 8th June 2019, New Acropolis (Main Centre) hosted an interactive Martial Arts session for Friends of New Acropolis and members. Presentation was partly inspired by a book by [...]
acrosec322020-06-20T15:39:49+00:00May 4th, 2019|Mumbai|
In response to popular demand, the Art Products Department at New Acropolis (Main Centre) conducted a second Tibetan wall art workshop on 4th May 2019. Participants were guided to focus [...]
Tanaya Agarwal2020-06-21T05:59:38+00:00April 13th, 2019|Culture Circle, Mumbai|
On Saturday 13th April 2019, Friends of New Acropolis hosted an interactive talk at the Colaba Centre titled “Wisdom in Simplicity: Exploring Japanese Haiku Poetry”. It was proposed that [...]